Master your Marketing: How to write a one page marketing plan

Marketing your business

Master your marketing with this presentation and learn how to write an effective one-page marketing plan.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Understanding this thing called marketing
  • Creating a marketing plan that YOU can implement
  • Not be baffled by marketing BS
  • Work out what is going to be right for you

Master your marketing

How to write a one page marketing plan

Today we're going to be talking about master your marketing for 2020 and 2021. And we're going to learn about how to build out a one page marketing game plan.

So let's get started because there's so much exciting stuff that we need to share with you today. First and foremost, though, I'd love to do an acknowledgement to country and that is, we would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, pay our respects to the elders past, present and future for they hold the memories, traditions, culture, and hope of all Indigenous Australians.

Understanding your marketing goals

The question I need to ask you though is what is it you're actually after from today's presentation? You may find in front of you that there are multiple doors and each of those doors can lead you down a marketing rabbit hole.

The key here for us in today's presentation is to understand what doors you should be knocking on, before you start to take the path down the marketing arena.

What are your goals for this presentation?

So why are you really here?

  • Understanding this thing called marketing
  • Create a marketing plan YOU can implement
  • Not be baffled by marketing BS
  • Work out what is going to be right for you
  • All of the above

The Marketing Blueprint

Today, what we're going to be talking about first is the marketing blueprint (download below). This here is going to save you all the hassles, all the challenges, all the nightmares, all the frustrations, and all the headaches that you get with marketing.

Why? Because marketing consists of four very simple components. We're going to talk about those today.

1. Lead generation

We’re going to look at the four key components of lead generation for you. This is where we build brand awareness. It’s where you capture curiosity, and create interest and desire about your business.

Why Lead Generation?

Why would you lead generate?

  1. Open for business: We are ready to serve you now!
  2. Generate Interest: Create curiosity in your services/products/solutions
  3. Find potential customers: Market penetration strategy – competing head to head with existing competitors for their customers

Lead generation becomes very important for you, and it's essential that when you're looking at it, that you need to consider your brand – and you can view the presentation on building a brand here.

When we talk about lead generation what do we mean? The four key kinds of lead generation that are available to you at the moment include:

  1. Social media strategies: digital platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest
  2. Offline media strategies: Use of print material such as brochures, folders, business cards, flyers and banners
  3. Public media strategies: face to face opportunities such as networking events, breakfast meetings, speaking opportunities
  4. Referral media strategies: recommendations from current customers, previous customers, strategic partners

When you're looking at your lead generation, these are the four key on four main aspects available to you. Try to rank these four strategies in order that you will most likely use, but please be mindful that you will you need to do a combination of all four marketing strategies. On average, it takes between four to seven touch points for someone to actually build confidence in you, and feel confident enough in the decision they make to invest in you. So utilizing a range of different strategies is essential in all good marketing plans.

Social media, for example, Facebook, has 15 million people registered on a Facebook page here in Australia. That means there are 13 million that aren't on Facebook. So why would you only allow your brand to be found on Facebook? Instagram has approximately 12-13 million followers in Australia. That's approximately 15 million others that aren't on Instagram.

So once again, why would you allow yourself only to be seen on a digital platform?

Discussion time

Take a few moments now, and make a note of which two of these marketing aspects that you’re going to start with. Yes, you will eventually use all four but let’s start with your initial one and two.

Things to consider:

  • What lead generation strategies are you currently using?
  • How effective are your current strategies?
  • What else could you include in your plan?
  • What MUST you change in your current plan?

2. Nurture Journey

Excellent. Well, I hope you wrote those two key components down, because that's going to be the beginning of your marketing game plan. We're now going to look at step number two and that is the nurture journey.

This is where the person has given you their contact information - it may be an email address, telephone number, or page like – and the aim of the game here is to start to build a relationship. This is where the conversation begins.

Why is it important to go through this process first and foremost?

Well, I'm just going to give you an example. Imagine if you're at a bar and suddenly some gentleman walks up to you and says, Hey baby, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you look good to me. And they decide to take you out somewhere else for the night. Normally, people that really like you will ask you for your name. They might stop and have a conversation with you. They may like to get to know you a little bit better, perhaps even buy you a drink before you commit.

That first instance might be amusing, but you don't want to be like that in marketing. Nurture journey allows you the opportunity to share your experience, your knowledge, what you like, and what you don't like. More importantly, it gives your lead the opportunity to do the same.

So when we're in the nurture journey phase, what we need to be looking at here is our content. In other words, what is it that we're going to share with our leads about us? It's so important that we actually get this clear, because this is all about building your brand. This is all about building brand awareness, but more importantly, getting people to begin to like you. Because if people like you guess what they're going to do? They’re going to buy from you.

When we're looking at your content, first thing I want you to do is to work out:

What is it that I want to share with people about my business, product or service?

It could be that this is where you talk about your values. You talk about your principles in your business. For example, if you are a fashion store and you use natural fibers as the material, rather than poly cottons bought in from overseas – that says a lot about your value inside your business and says a lot about how you actually operate your business.

Another example, could be that your involved in charities where you might give a percentage of your profits away to charity. Fantastic. That says a lot about you as a business.

So when you're looking at developing content and sharing of messages, it's real important that you actually work out what kind of messages you want to put out there about you. And that's all part of the nurture journey.


Part two of the nurture journey is about scheduling you content.

In other words, how often do you want to be sharing your content out to your particular audiences?

Let’s go into a little bit more detail about this. If you are going to use multiple platforms to connect those four to seven touch points with the consumer, the reason why you should be scheduling is to make sure that when you’re posting this information that it’s consistent form one platform to the next. If you're putting out different messages across different platforms, fundamentally, what you're going to do is confuse your lead or your prospect. So scheduling is going to be real important.

I normally recommend that you schedule over a 30 day period. Pull out a topic of the month that's relevant to you. Go and look for other days or events that are going to be happening in that particular month that you can align with, or that align with your values. Then decide what kind of posts you’re going to be doing within those 30 days e.g. what kind of content you’re going to be sharing and where you’re going to be sharing it.

Discussion time

What you can do now is take a few moments and figure out what kind of messages you want to deliver. This is all about planning. Just make a note of the kind of messages you want to share. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but I want you to start becoming creative on how you are going to build your brand and promote your brand with success.

Things to consider:

  • What is your current process for communication?
  • How effective is it for you?
  • What software options could you integrate?

3. Prospect Experience

We’re going to now look at the next step which is the prospect experience. This is after people have started to receive communication from you and you're now helping the lead to self-select whether they are hot, or not, for you.

Because the last thing we want to be doing is wasting our time with tyre kickers, or people who are just going to take you on a merry-go-round and then by the time you finished on the merry-go-round and you're all confused, they've gone and left.

The key with prospect experience is actually understanding that your whole role here in communicating with them is for the individual to determine if they're ready to have an in-depth conversation with you, or if they're still in the looking or research zone.

When we're in there prospect experience stage, what we're actually looking to do is to collect data about our prospects. We're looking at their buying behavior, and what they’re interested in. What is it about my product or service that's motivating them to want to receive my information? What is it that I need to do to move them to the next step from a no lead to a warm lead? And then what I need to do to move them from a warm lead to a hot lead?

Data gathering

The key here inside prospect experience- this is where we do data gathering. This is where we start to understand the audience that we have currently been attracting.

It's also at the stage that we are looking at automating as well. This is the beginning of the automation process for us. That could be, for example, your newsletters. You may want to write your newsletters in advance, possibly include some surveys, and you automate them being released. So they might get released, for example, on the 15th of every month.

You also want to be creating an opportunity for your audience to actually respond back to you. So I just mentioned surveys. Surveys are fantastic. Great way for you to collect a little bit of Intel about the people who are on your newsletter feeds or even on your Facebook or your Instagram posts. Because the more you can obtain about them the better it's going to be.

When we're looking inside the prospect experience/nurture journey phase there are some key components here of software that you need to consider.

  1. CRM – Housing system for all data collected from contacts
  2. Email Marketing – Ability to communicate effectively through eDM
  3. Booking system – Option for individuals to book directly to an appointment
  4. Design support – Assist with creation of content and presentations

When you're in the prospect experience phase, think about this key consideration. What's the quality of the communication that I need to be considering when I'm looking to transition people from being, not for us, to slightly liking us, to them being hot for us.

It’s also important that when you are looking at your communication, you want to ensure that you can track the results as well. That's why you CRM system is critical, because you need to be able to understand how many people are opening up emails, or ‘liking’ your Facebook posts, or how many people are actually engaging with you, and letting you know how they actually feel about your information.

Discussion time

Here's what I want you to do as part of step three of your marketing plan. I want you think about what kind of technology, what kind of software do I need to be using to help me in understanding whether my audience is hot or not?

Things to consider:

  • What does your current prospect experience look like?
  • What communication formats are you using?
  • What could you improve on?
  • What does your database management look like?

4. Sales Conversion

If you want to be successful in marketing and have marketing work for you, it is so important that we maintain and build, first and foremost, the marketing blueprint.

So we're going to move into the final step, and that is sales conversion. This is where you all that hard (marketing planning) work can starting to pay off for you. The key here to begin to understand how to convert prospects to customers.

Then I'm going to educate you on how to turn your customers into absolute raving lunatics for your business - that tell everybody about you. This is where we build referrals and strategic partners that are going to start telling all of their connections about our business. Because that's what we need to be working towards.

The sales conversion is the process of building relationships and trust. This is where you offer additional information. This is the education, so that your prospects will be building confidence in you as a solution provider.

Types of clients in sales conversion

So let's talk about, for example, the different kinds of clients or different kinds of audience members that you're going to have in the sales conversion.

1. Suspect – Cold Lead

Characteristics: Doesn’t respond to communication or is slow to respond

Motivation Level: Low motivation level where they could be at step 1 of research or reached out to you in error

How to communicate: Monthly newsletter with survey or CTA – must be consistent, if monthly, stick to monthly

2. Prospect - Warm Lead

Characteristics: Actively asking for information from you or you’ve had a meeting

Motivation Level: Curiosity level is high, they have indicated they need a solution, but not sure if it will be form you

How to communicate: Maintain on newsletter, with general audience, offer a proposal and/or clearly explained email of meeting

3. Customer – Hot Lead

Characteristics: They want your product, service, solution

Motivation Level: High level of motivation with a desire to work with you

How to communicate: Remove from general newsletter to customer group, personalized email responses

4. Referrer – Raving Fan

Characteristics: They have absolute confidence in your ability, tell everyone about you, most cost-effective customer acquisition

These are the people who love you. They think you're absolutely the bee's knees. So testimonials are so important here. Recommendations are absolutely essential, and you want to be creating this. Just because the client's given you the money, don't let them walk out the door without asking them if they want to take the relationship a little bit further.

This is also the most cost-effective lead generation strategy. It's the fastest way to build a very successful business.

Referral strategies

So when we talking referral strategies, there's two kinds of referrers that we want to talk about.

1. Strategic partnerships

These are professional relationships that you may have with other businesses who may service the same kind of audience as you, but they provide a different service offering. The beauty about this is that it's non-competitive. This can actually be a collaboration where there's an opportunity for you to also support your strategic partnership’s business as well.

2. Customer referrals

This is where you might have a client who suddenly starts recommending your services and your expertise to their network and their environment. I'm a big fan of actually setting up referral media strategies, but also rewarding people for referring new business to me. Why? It's cheaper. Bottom line. It's cheaper. It's a great way for me also to thank the referrer and to let them know that I'm appreciative of them actually thinking about me.

Discussion time

Think about who you could potentially build a strategic relationship with. Who do you know that you would be comfortable in doing any sort of mutual promotion with? If you have customers right now, I want you to review and ask yourself the question, what am I doing to support my customers beyond the initial purchase? How am I actually communicating to my current customers? And is there an opportunity there for me to be able to create a referral strategy with my customers?

Things to consider:

  • What are the conversion strategies your currently have in place?
  • What is the mix of your current database?
  • What kind of referral strategies do you use?
  • How could you reward for referrals?

Marketing Blueprint – Recap

We're talking about the marketing blueprint. We're talking about, first and foremost, your lead generation, identifying the areas where you'll go to show up and your brand is going to build curiosity, interest, as well as build awareness.

The next step we talked about down was the nurture journey. How are we going to share our messages? What kind of messages are we going to produce? How often are we going to communicate with the audiences that have started to follow us or join us on our newsletters?

We then discussed the prospect experience, and looking at the kind of software applications we're going to integrate into our business, so that we can determine who's hot and who's not for us at the moment.

Finally we looked at sales conversion strategies. What do we need to do to move these people from being a suspect to a prospect, to a customer, to an absolute raving lunatic for your business.

So team that is probably the most efficient way for you to be able to build a one page marketing game plan for you.

I'm going to encourage you to sit down, resonate on all of it. Utilise the marketing blueprint to help and support you. I'm going to wish you all the very best at integrating, implementing and creating success from your marketing plan.

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How to write a one page marketing plan (presentation)
Marketing Blueprint

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