Travel Essentials

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A - Z general travel information for Moreton Bay

Alcohol: Legal drinking age is 18 years and older. Bring ID to prove your age. Alcohol can only be purchased in liquor outlets and hotels (not in supermarkets).

Electricity: 240/250 volts AC 50Hz Universal outlets for 110 volts (shavers only) standard in hotels, apartments, motels.

Emergency: Dial 000 for police, ambulance, fire.

Language: English. Translation and multilingual tours available. Telstra’s Foreign Language Service offers telephone assistance in nine languages.

Local Government:
Be mindful of local laws when it comes to drinking in a public space, animals and parking. Information can be found here.

Measures: Metric system.

Post Offices: Australia Post offices are generally open 9am to 5pm weekdays, 9am to 12pm Saturdays.

Australia is multicultural. Discrimination is an offence. Mosques, temples, Christian churches, and prayer rooms are located throughout the region. Specific dietary requirements are available (halal, kosher).

Road Rules:
Left hand side driving. View speed limit signs. Seat belts are mandatory. Strict drink driving laws apply. Bring your current driver’s licence if you want to hire a vehicle. See QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads for more information.

Smoking: Queensland has strict tobacco laws. There is no smoking in indoor public places and no sales to children under 18 years. Visit QLD Health for more information.

Swimming: There is no nude bathing permitted in Queensland.

Telephones: Australian international code 61.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST): GMT + 10 hours. There is no daylight saving in Queensland.

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